Monday, 20 February 2012

Median - Excel Function

MEDIAN function returns median of the given set of values. When you sort a list of values from smallest to largest, median is in the middle of this list. If you have even number of values, e.g. 1, 4, 5, 6, the median is 4.5 (4+5/2).
= MEDIAN (number1, [number2], ...)
number1 - First number or range of numbers.
number2 - [Optional] Second number or range of numbers.
=MEDIAN(B2:F3) returns 1.95, because MEDIAN of the list of numbers:
0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 0.93, 5, 10, 34, 78. is (0.9 + 3) / 2.
The median is widely used in statistics where might be seen as a better indication of central tendency than arithmetic mean.

Average - Excel Function

AVERAGE function sum all values within the range and divide this sum by a number of these values.
= AVERAGE (number1, [number2], ...))
number1 - First number or range of numbers
number2 - [Optional] Second number or range of numbers
As you can see you can enter range of values, number and cell references into AVERAGE function.

Averageif - Excel Function

AVERAGEIF function returns the average of all cells in a range that meet given criteria.
= AVERAGEIF (rangecriteria[average_range])
range - The range of cells that you want evaluated by criteria.
criteria - determines which cell to add.
[average_range] - This parameter is used when you want to add other than those specified in the range argument.
Calculate an average number of hours worked by male workers.

Averageifs - Excel Function

AVERAGEIFS function returns the average of all cells in a range that meet multiple criteria.
= AVERAGEIFS (average_rangecriteria_range1criteria1, [criteria_range2criteria2], ...)
average_range - The range of cells too average.
criteria_range1, criteria_range2 - Range of cells to check the associated criteria.
criteria1, criteria2 - Criteria by which you want to filter cells.
=AVERAGEIFS(E3:E7, C3:C7,"male",D3:D7,"<60")
Calculate an average number of hours worked by male workers who are less than 60 years old.


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