Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Creating One Large Palette Group

Next let's join the remaining palettes into one large palette group.
  1. Drag the title tab for the History palette to the lower edge of the Navigator palette.
  2. When you see a narrow outline at the bottom edge of the Navigator palette, release the mouse button and the History palette will be joined to the Navigator, Info, and Histogram palettes.
  3. Now drag the Actions palette next to the History palette.
Now this palette super-group has one title bar, but it is divided into two palette groups with the Navigator, Info, and Histogram palettes on top and the History and Actions palettes on the bottom. You can drag the title bar and whole group moves; click the collapse button and the whole group collapses.
Now repeat the steps above to join the Layers, Channels, and Paths palettes below the History and Actions palettes so you have something like the screen shot above.

Panning (Hand Tool)

I mentioned already that you can use the Spacebar on your keyboard to temporarily switch to the hand tool at any time. To practice this:
  1. Open an image and drag the borders of the document window so it is smaller than the image.
  2. Press the Spacebar and click on the image.
  3. While holding the Spacebar down, move the mouse around to move the image around within the window.
We don't need no stinkin' scroll bars! Another handy shortcut is to double-click on the hand tool in the toolbox to quickly fill the available workspace with your image. This will set the magnification level to whatever size it needs to be to make the image fill the screen. Check the title bar or the status bar to see what the actual magnification level is.
While you have the hand tool active, take a look at the options bar for the hand tool. You'll notice three buttons there for Actual Pixels, Fit Screen, and Print Size. Do you remember these from the zoom tool's context sensitive menu?
  • Actual Pixels shows the image at 100% magnification.
  • Fit Screen scales the image to fit inside your workspace. This may make the magnification higher or lower than 100% depending on the size of the image and your screen resolution and workspace layout.
  • Print Size approximates the size that the image will be when printed, taking resolution into account. Since all monitors vary, this should only be considered an approximation. Well learn more about resolution later.
Since these options are also available in the Zoom tool, and now that you know the Spacebar trick, there is very little reason you'll ever need to use the hand tool from the toolbox!

Zooming (Zoom Tool)

Now select the Zoom tool in the toolbox. Notice the same three "fit" buttons in the options bar, just like the hand tool. If you want the document window to resize as you zoom in and out, check the "Resize Windows to Fit" box on the options bar. You've already learned a few different ways to change the magnification of your image — the zoom control in the status bar, the context-sensitive menu, and double clicking the zoom tool. Let's look at a few more.
When the zoom tool is selected, the cursor becomes a magnifying glass with a plus sign. The plus sign indicates that you're all set to zoom in. All you need to do is click to increase magnification. If you want to zoom in on a specific are of the image click and drag a rectangle around the area you want to magnify. This will enlarge the selected area to fill the workspace. Try it now. To return to 100% magnification, use the keyboard shortcut, Ctrl-Alt-0 (Win) or Cmd-Option-0 (Mac). To zoom in without switching to the zoom tool, use Ctrl-+(plus sign) on Windows or Command-+ (plus sign) on Macintosh.
To switch to zoom out mode, you can click the zoom out button on the options bar. However, it is much easier to use the keyboard shortcuts. When you hold down the Alt (Win) or Option (Mac) key, the zoom cursor will change to a minus sign in the magnifying glass, and you can click to zoom out. To zoom out without switching to the zoom tool, use Ctrl-- (minus sign) on Windows orCmd-- (minus sign) on Macintosh.
Let's review each of the zoom tool options:
  • No modifier key = click to zoom in; click and drag to zoom into a specific area
  • Double click zoom tool button = zoom to 100% magnification
  • Ctrl-Alt-0 (Win) / Cmd-Option-0 (Mac) = zoom to 100% magnification
  • Alt (Win) / Option (Mac) = click to zoom out
Here are a few more zoom shortcuts we have not yet covered:
  • Ctrl-0 (Win) / Cmd-0 (Mac) = zoom to fit the screen
  • Ctrl (Win) / Cmd (Mac) = temporarily toggles to the move tool
Working in Photoshop generally involves a lot of zooming and panning, so now you are well on your way. By memorizing the most common keyboard shortcuts related to zooming and panning, these functions will become second nature to you and you'll be able to work much faster.

Monday, 27 February 2012

HTML Forms part 1

Note: HTML forms are not useful without a client-side scripting language or server-side technology.
The note above should be enough to prompt you in learning a programming language... but let us get down to the business at hand.
The main use of HTML forms is to gather some kind of input/feedback from visitors. This input might be in the form of comments or a shopping cart system wherein your users select items and drop them in shopping baskets. Form objects (which we shall soon meet) have also been used for various tricks by client-side programmers.
A form begins with <FORM> and ends with </FORM>. HTML presents us with various form object/elements that are placed INSIDE the form tags.
  • <SELECT>...</SELECT>
  • <OPTION>...</OPTION>
The first ten listed above are all variants of the <INPUT> element. However, since their TYPE is different, the other attributes taken by them differ.
We shall explore these along with their attributes, one by one.


This form object is the most common. It defines a horizontal text field as:

The attributes associated with this tag are:
  • NAME: Sets a name for this form element. You can give any name to your text field as long as you don't duplicate it in the same form.
  • SIZE: Determines the size. The value taken is a number.
  • MAXLENGTH: Specifies the number of characters a user can submit thru this element.
  • VALUE: Specifies a default value that is displayed inside the text field when a user first opens the page.
Type your first name in the box: 
NAME="first_name" VALUE="Your first name">
is displayed as:
Type your first name in the box:


This object is very similar to the TEXT mentioned above and takes the same attributes. Its inclusion also causes the display of a text field. However, anything typed by the user inside this text field is replaced by *s or other characters that mask what you type. Try this out yourself.
Type your password in the box:
NAME="yourpassword" VALUE="">
Type your password in the box:

  • NAME: Sets a name for the password field by which it is referred using scripting languages.
  • MAXLENGTH: Sets the maximum number of characters a user can input.
  • SIZE: Takes a number as value and specifies the size.
  • VALUE: Specifies a default value.


Creates a checkbox. Its other attributes are:
  • CHECKED: This attribute takes no value. Including it in the tag causes the checkbox to be checked by default.
  • NAME: Specifies a name for the element.
  • VALUE: Assigns a value to the element.
VALUE="yes" CHECKED> Do you like this site?
Do you like this site?


Makes a radio button. The attributes taken are similar to those of a checkbox (above).
  • CHECKED: Puts the radio button to "ON" state. Takes no value.
  • NAME: Assigns a name to the radio button.
  • VALUE: Specifies a value that can be passed to the server.
CHECKED> Do you like HTML?
Do you like HTML?

Important: What is the difference between a radio button and a checkbox?

These two elements are not the same though they share the same attributes.
Radio buttons are employed when a single reply is desired from a list of choices. In such cases, radio buttons with the same name but different values are grouped together. Since the buttons have the same name, the user is able to select only one. The value of the selected button along with its name is sent to the server.
Checkboxes on the other hand, can be used in two ways. One to get a 'yes'/'no' kind of response and the other to get a multiple selection.
We'll see this through examples.
Do you like Mozart's Symphony No.40?<BR>
<INPUT TYPE="RADIO" NAME="moz" VALUE="notsure"> Can't Say<BR>
Do you like Mozart's Symphony No.40?
Can't Say
Try to select two radio buttons... you can't... that is because they have the same name. Thus, the code above presents a list of choices and expects only one selection.
Notice that the CHECKED attribute selects the first radio button when the page is first loaded. Depending on the selection, the associated value is sent to the server along with the radio button name. So, if the visitor selects Can't Say, the associated value notsure is sent along with button name, moz.

An example for checkboxes can be...
Which ice-cream flavors do you like?<BR>

<INPUT TYPE="CHECKBOX" NAME="ice" VALUE="strawberry">
Which ice-cream flavors do you like?
Notice that in this case too, all checkboxes have the same name. However, you can select multiple boxes (try it out...). This is helpful when we desire zero or more values. Values of all checkboxes that are selected are sent to the server along with checkbox name for further processing by a CGI script.
Another use of checkboxes is to get a 'yes'/'no' kind of response as in:
Would you like to subscribe to our mailing list?
Would you like to subscribe to our mailing list? Although, radio buttons can be employed for the same purpose, I prefer to use checkboxes since they display a better icon.

So, radio buttons or checkboxes are used depending on the type of question you have. A generalization would be to employ radio buttons for questions where only one reply is desired and checkboxes for questions where multiple replies are possible.

Image Maps part 1

You know that an image can be made into a hot spot by enclosing it inside anchor tags. Such images point to only one HTML document, the one specified in the HREF attribute of the enclosing <A> tag. Thus,
<A HREF="">
<IMG SRC="home.gif" WIDTH="152" HEIGHT="25" 
ALT="Back to homepage" BORDER="0"></A>
Back to homepage Provides a link to homepage of this site.
Image maps too, carry links to documents. However, in Image Maps, different parts of the image are linked to different HTML documents! For example, the top part of the image might link to document1.html, the middle part to document2.html and the bottom to document3.html.
Linking different parts of an image to different documents/files is achieved through some specific HTML tags.
But before all that, let us get to know these image maps better.
Image Maps come in two flavors:
  • Server-side maps: Those that contain the linking information on the server.
  • Client-side maps: The linking information is bundled along with the HTML document.
There is always a performance benefit when using Client-side maps. They can also be made interactive using JavaScript. Since, client-side maps are supported by all modern browsers and are simpler to understand and implement than server-side maps, I shall be concentrating only on them.
[Though, the usage of older browsers has dwindled, it is recommended that you have a look at your site statistics to make a decision whether to use server-side maps, client-side maps or both.]

Client-side Image Maps

In order to use an image as a map, you have to include the USEMAP attribute inside the <IMG> tag. Thus, any image can be made into a map if the USEMAP attribute is added to the <IMG> tag. The value of this attribute is the name of the <MAP> element. The <MAP> element contains the main information about the image map. It defines the different areas of the image and their associated links.
The different regions of the image are defined using the <AREA> tags. These tags are placed between <MAP> - </MAP> tags. The link data is also specified by the <AREA> tags.
Your document can carry as many image-maps as you want, but each should have different maps to tell them apart.
Let's look at some code.
<IMG SRC="sitemap.gif" WIDTH="200" HEIGHT="300" BORDER="0" 
The SRC attribute of <IMG> tag specifies sitemap.gif to be used as an image map. The USEMAP attribute points to the map we shall be using.
Note: The name of the map is prefixed with a hash # sign.
It's simple, isn't it? Now we shall look at the <MAP> tag and the <AREA> tags it encloses.


This element has many attributes. Most of them are useful for scripting and for applying styles. We shall concern ourselves with only one, the NAME attribute. This attribute determines the name of the map and is used to refer to it from USEMAP attribute of the <IMG> tag. We'll name our map, site.
<MAP NAME="site">

<AREA> tags and attributes

The main content of the image map resides inside <AREA> tags. Their important attributes are:
  • HREF: Takes a URL as value and provides a link to that document.
  • SHAPE: The values for this attribute can be RECT, CIRCLE, POLY or DEFAULT. These define the shape of the area in the main image. After dividing your image into RECTs, POLYs, and CIRCLEs, you might be left with some area. You can use the DEFAULT value to refer to this area.
  • COORDS: Takes a comma-separated list of values. Depending upon the shape, this value changes.
  • TARGET: Specifies the window in which to load the document. This attribute is the same as that for <A>.
  • NOHREF: This is employed when you do not want areas to be linked to any documents. Used often with the DEFAULT value of SHAPE mentioned above.
  • NAME: This defines an area that can be used for scripting, by older browsers.
<MAP NAME="site">

<AREA HREF="../../index.html" SHAPE="RECT" COORDS="5,6,95,25">
<AREA HREF="../../basics/index.php3" SHAPE="RECT" 
<AREA HREF="../index.php3" SHAPE="RECT" COORDS="61,65,125,83">
<AREA HREF="../../graphics/index.php3" SHAPE="RECT" 
<AREA HREF="../../tips/index.php3" SHAPE="RECT" 
<AREA HREF="../../design/index.php3" SHAPE="RECT" 
<AREA HREF="../../promotion/index.php3" SHAPE="RECT" 
<AREA HREF="../../se/index.php3" SHAPE="RECT" 
<AREA HREF="../../software/index.php3" SHAPE="RECT" 
<AREA HREF="../../services/index.php3" SHAPE="RECT" 
<AREA HREF="../../feedback.php3" SHAPE="RECT" 
<AREA HREF="../../feedback.php3" SHAPE="CIRCLE" 

The value of COORDS taken by RECT is the top-left corner and bottom-right, x and y coordinates. For CIRCLE, the value is x and y coordinates of the center and the radius.
The co-ordinates of the image map are specified in pixel values and you can use any graphics program to find them. Now, this procedure is quite painful and time-consuming, so I suggest you use one of the Image-Map coordinates generator programs.

Image Maps part 2

Here is how an image map works. Move your mouse cursor over the image below and check the links in your browser's status bar. sitemap

Some important points to remember when designing Image Maps

  • The image used as a map should be large enough so that the users' cursor is not confined in a small place with lots of links.
  • It is recommended that the <MAP> tag along with its <AREA>s is placed at the end of the HTML document.
  • Use client-side maps unless most of your audience is using older browsers that support only server-side maps. There are many benefits in using the map on the client, especially performance.

HTML Meta tags - Keyword - Refresh - Redirect

Meta tags are generally used to include information about a document such as author name, creation date, copyright information etc. They always placed between the <HEAD> tags of an HTML document.
Each Meta tag has two important attributes:
<META HTTP-EQUIV="some_name" CONTENT="some_content">


<META NAME="some_name" CONTENT="some_content">


The HTTP-EQUIV attribute takes one of the values mentioned below:
  • CONTENT-TYPE: The most commonly used content type is text/html. Other types can be employed to include the character set for the document. This helps the browser to load the appropriate character before document display.
  • EXPIRES: Specifies the date and time after which a document should be considered expired. This can be used by web robots update content in a search engine.
  • CACHE-CONTROL: Determines the caching of the document.
  • CONTENT-LANGUAGE: Used to specify the language in which the document is written.
  • REFRESH: This value is commonly used to either redirect users to a different page or refresh the contents of the present page.
<META HTTP-EQUIV="EXPIRES" CONTENT="May 1, 2002 00:00:00 EST">
Note that all the META tags with HTTP-EQUIV attributes also contain the CONTENT attribute.
The HTTP-EQUIV="REFRESH" demands more attention here, so let us have a detailed look at it.
The tag above simply refreshes the contents of the page in 5 seconds. However, you can supply a URL to this tag, which redirects users to that page.
This takes the user to new.html after 2 seconds.
Note that there is only one set of quotes that encloses the content of CONTENT. Both the time in seconds and the URL are inside the same quotes.
A cheap trick is to construct a looping (or non-looping) slide show making use of these tags. Let's say you have three html pages named slide1.html, slide2.html and slide3.html. You can make a looping slide show by including the appropriate META tag in each document.
slide1.html contains

slide2.html contains

slide3.html contains
To start the slide-show, load slide1.html in the browser. After 10 seconds, slide1.html is replaced by slide2.html, which is again replaced by slide3.html after 10 seconds. Finally, after another 10 seconds, slide1.html replaces slide3.html and thus, the slide-show keeps on looping. Note that the <META> tag is placed in the head section of each document.


Though there are some fixed values for the NAME attribute, you can construct your own meta tags with it. Let's look at the important values
  • KEYWORDS: You can supply keywords for your pages using this. It helps in indexing by search engines. Takes a list of comma separated keywords.
  • COPYRIGHT: Contains copyright information
  • DESCRIPTION: lets you specify a description of the page.
  • AUTHOR: You can write your name here.
  • ROBOTS: This tag is used to stop your pages from being indexed by robots. Its an alternative to the robots.txt file.
<META NAME="KEYWORDS" CONTENT="movies, hollywood, actors">
<META NAME="COPYRIGHT" CONTENT="2001, Some_Company_Name">
<META NAME="DESCRIPTION" CONTENT="Information on the greatest 
movies ever">

Making HTML Work

This concludes your learning of HTML. I have described almost all the important tags and attributes. It should set enough confidence in you to start designing your pages and sites. Remember, the secret to make everything work together is to ... PRACTICE... PRACTICE ... PRACTICE...
Test your code in both Internet Explorer and Netscape and don't use a WYSIWYG editor if you want to master HTML.
Here is you badge for successfully completing this tutorial.

Badge for successfully completeing Advanced HTML tutorial at

Friday, 24 February 2012

MAYA Interface 3

The Lighting menu has an option for using existing lights in the scene (hotkey: 7) with this panel's Shaded mode. Normally, Shaded mode is automatically illuminated (with "default lights") in a crude way that serves to get some light in the scene for viewing or rendering a new model.
Use the Show menu to selectively hide all entities of a certain type. For example, you often use it to hide cameras and lights, just to clean up the view so that you can focus on objects. At the bottom of this menu is an option to hide the grid, which is useful when you want to simplify the view.
Under the Panels menu, use the top three options to select what the panel is seeing in a 3D view.
The next three options let you change the entire layout of the panels. The Panel item displays options for switching the selected panel to some other window, such as a rendered view or the Graph Editor. Next is Layouts, which determines how the view area is split into windows. Below it is Saved Layouts, which is similar to the Quick Layout buttons below the toolbox.
Hotkeys are also known as keyboard shortcuts. There are several default hotkeys. You can change these hotkeys and assign new ones using the Hotkey editor by
  • Selecting Window>Settings/Preferences>Hotkeys.
  • Select the category and command,
  • In the assign new Hotkey area, specify the key combination .You can see a list of which keys are unmapped by clicking List All.

Fig1-9 Hotkey Editor
Viewing hotkey lists
Click List All to view a list of mapped and unmapped keys.

Fig1-10 Hotkeys reference

The Hotbox

Maya's Hotbox is a utility to get quickly to the menus that are available in the menu bar. It pops up when you press and hold spacebar. Once you customize the Hotbox, it provides quick access to the menus you use, hiding menus that are irrelevant to your work. It has five zones with special options. Five zones are North, South, East, West and center.
To see the entire Hotbox, click in the Hotbox Controls section on the right-hand side of the window, and drag your cursor over the Show All option. You might want to come back to this same Hotbox option and disable the Cloth and Live menus if you won't be using them.

Fig1-11 Hotbox
In order to disable the Hotbox, Select window>Settings/Preferences > Hotkeys. The Hotkey Editor window opens. From the editor window select Hotbox in the list of Categories. Select Show Hotbox from the list of commands, Select space from current Hotkeys, and then click on the Remove button. This turns off the hotkey functionality. Click the Save button and then the close button.

Maya Shortcut Keys

Scale Tool snapping + –
Shft+J Move, Rotate, Scale Tool relative snapping + –
Painting Operations
Autodesk Maya
Alt+f Flood with the current value + –
Alt+a Turn Show Wireframe on/off + –
Alt+c Turn Color Feedback on/off + –
Alt+r Toggle Reflection on/off + –
u+LMB Artisan Paint Operation marking menu + –
b Modify upper brush radius + –
Shft+B Modify lower brush radius + –
Ctrl+b Edit Paint Effects template brush settings + –
i Modify Artisan brush Stamp Depth + –
m Modify Max Displacement (Of Sculpt Surfaces and Sculpt Polygons Tool) + –
n Modify Value + –
/ Switch to pick colour mode + –
' Select cluster mode (Of Paint Weights Tool ) + –
8 Open Paint Effects panel + –
o+LMB Poly Brush Tool marking menu + –
o+MMB Poly UV Tool marking menu + –
Tumble, Track or Dolly
Autodesk Maya
Alt+LMB Tumble Tool + –
Alt+MMB Track Tool + –
Alt+RMB Dolly Tool + –
Autodesk Maya
4 Shading > Wireframe + –
5 Shaded display + –
6 Shaded and Textured display + –
7 Lighting > Use All Lights + –
d+LMB Display Quality marking menu + –
1 Low Quality Display setting + –
2 Medium Quality Display setting + –
3 High Quality Display setting + –
Displaying Objects (show, hide)
Autodesk Maya
Ctrl+h Display > Hide > Hide Selection + –
Ctrl+Shft+H Display > Show > Show Last Hidden + –
Alt+h Display > Hide > Hide Unselected Objects + –
Shft+I Show > Isolate Select > View Selected + –
Tool Operations
Autodesk Maya
Return Complete current tool + –
~ Abort current tool + –
Insert Enter tool Edit mode + –
Shft menu+Q Select Tool + –
Shft menu+Q+LMB Component marking + –
Alt+q Select tool + –
Alt+q+LMB Polygon marking menu + –
q+LMB Mask marking menu + –
w Move tool + –
w+LMB Move tool marking menu + –
e Rotate tool + –
e+LMB Rotate tool marking menu + –
r Scale tool + –
r+LMB Scale tool marking menu + –
t Show manipulator tool + –
y Select last used tool (Excluding Select, Move, Rotate and Scale) + –
j Snap Move, Rotate, Scale tool + –
= or + Increase manipulator size + –
- Decrease manipulator size + –
Animation Operations
Autodesk Maya
s Animate > Set key + –
i Insert Keys tool (for graph editor) + –
Shft+S+LMB Keyframe marking menu + –
Shft+S+MMB Tangent marking menu + –
Shft+E Set key for Rotate + –
Shft+R Ser key for Scale + –
Shft+W Set key for Translate + –
Alt+s Cycle handle stiky state (for IK handles) + –
Playback Control
Autodesk Maya
Alt+. Move forward one frame + –
Alt+, Move backward one frame + –
. Go to Next key + –
, Go to previous key + –
Alt+v Turn Playback on/off + –
Alt+Shft+v Go to Min Frame + –
Hotbox Display
Autodesk Maya
Space Hotbox + –
Alt+m Default Hotbox Style + –
Window and View Operations
Autodesk Maya
Crtl+a Toogle Attribute Editor and Channel Box + –
a Frame all in active panel + –
a+LMB History Operations marking menu + –
Shft+A Frame All in all views + –
f Frame selected in active panel + –
Shft+F Frame selected in all views + –
] Redo view change + –
[ Undo view change + –
` Set keyboard focus to command line + –
Alt+` Set keyboard focus to numeric input line + –
F1 Help > Contents and Search + –
Moving Selected Objects
Autodesk Maya
Alt+Up arrow Move up one pixel + –
Alt+Down arrow Move down one pixel + –
Alt+Left arrow Move left one pixel + –
Alt+Right arrow Move right one pixel + –
Traversing the Hierarchy
Autodesk Maya
Up arrow Walk up the current hierarchy + –
Down arrow Walk down current hierarchy + –
Left arrow Walk left current hierarchy + –
Right arrow Walk right current hierarchy + –
Modeling Operations
Autodesk Maya
Crtl+Up arrow Display coarser Sub-d level + –
Crtl+Down arrow Select/refine Sub-d component + –
Crtl+F9 Convert poly selection to Vertices + –
Crtl+F10 Convert poly selction to Edges + –
Crtl+F11 Covert poly selection to Faces + –
Crtl+F12 Convert poly selction to UVs + –
File Operations
Autodesk Maya
Ctrl+n File > New Scene + –
Ctrl+o File > Open Scene + –
Ctrl+s File > Save Scene + –
Ctrl+q File > Exit + –
Selecting Menus
Autodesk Maya
Ctrl+m Show/Hide main menu bar + –
Shft+m Show/Hide panel menu bar + –
h+LMB Menu Set marking menu + –
F2 Show Animationmenu set + –
F3 Show Modeling menu set + –
F4 Show Dynamics menu set + –
F5 Show Rendering menu set + –
Edit Operations
Autodesk Maya
z or Ctrl+z Edit > Undo + –
Shft+z Edit > Redo + –
g Edit > Repeat + –
Shft+G Repeat command at mouse position + –
Ctrl+d Edit > Duplicate + –
Shft+D Edit > Duplicate with Transform + –
Crtl+g Edit > Group + –
p Edit > Parent + –
Shft+P Edit > Unparent + –
Crtl+x Edit > Cut + –
Crtl+c Edit > Copy + –
Ctrl+v Edit > Paste + –
Selecting Objects and Components
Autodesk Maya
F8 Switching between Objevt and Component Editing + –
F9 Select Polygon and Subdivision Surface Vertices + –
F10 Select Polygon and Subdivision Surface Edges + –
F11 Select Polygon and Subdivision Surface Faces + –
F12 Select Polygon and Subdivision Surface UVs + –
Ctrl+i Select next intermediate onject + –
Alt+F9 Select Polygon Vertex/Faces + –
Grow polygon selection region + –

Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Sketch and Toon with Cinema 4d

The First thing to do is to load a scene or object, or even just a basic shape (square, circle.... so on)

The next thing to do would be to get into the Render settings.

( Ctrl + B ) Or Render > Render Settings

Then click on the Effects Tab on the left side. After this you should click on the Tab in the upper right and roll down to Sketch and Toon

This is the Area where you can pick many diffrent options for what the sketch will look like... such as the Line thickness or even the main colors to use.

This is the what the Defult Settings will look like... Expect larger ammounts of polygons/edges to take extra time to render.


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